Ultra U12-41417 Wireless Music Gateway – Stream audio via Bluetooth up to 100m
List Price: | $59.99 | Get it For $49.99 at Circuit City | [php]if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } [/php] | Expiry Date: | Limited Time Offer |
HOT DEAL! HURRY UP! | Ultra U12-41417 Wireless Music Gateway Stream music from your phone or music player to your stereo with no cables with the Ultra U12-41417 Wireless Music Gateway. The Ultra U12-41417 Wireless Music Gateway will allow you to transmit audio from your Bluetooth® enabled phone or music player to your stereo and will also allow you to receive audio from your stereo to your Bluetooth® headphones. Purchase the Ultra U12-41417 Wireless Music Gateway today!