Microsoft PSF-00001 Zune HD 64GB MP4 Player and Microsoft G7D-00001 Zune HD AV Dock Bundle
List Price: | $449.98 | Get it For $319.98 at | [php]if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } [/php] | Expiry Date: | In Limited Time |
(click here to Enlarge) HOT! |
The Microsoft Zune HD 64GB MP4 Player is the premium digital experience that gives you access to the latest in entertainment and technology, allowing you to enjoy, connect, and discover content in a whole new way–the way you like it. Use your Microsoft Zune HD 64GB MP4 Player to Browse, stream, buy, and play all you want, including music, podcasts, HD video, games, and much more. Gain the freedom to enjoy your entertainment. Microsoft Zune MP4 Player brings your content up front, so you’re always in control.