Able Planet NC500TF True Fidelity Noise Canceling Headphones with Case
List Price: | $129.99 | Get it For $99.96 at | [php]if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } [/php] | Expiry Date: | In Limited Time |
![]() (click here to Enlarge) HOT DEAL! |
True Fidelity noise canceling headphones (with Linx Audio), anyone? Trust us, you need these headphones (Model NC500TF), because they’ll transport you to a world where the only thing you’ll hear is exactly what you want to. Your favorite music, a motion picture soundtrack, the psychokinetic realm of phantasmagoric gaming. And you won’t have to hear anything else. Not your neighbor in the next cubicle griping about how rotten her job is, even though it’s her last day. Your kids racing around the house wreaking havoc on anyone who does not own these True Fidelity noise-canceling headphones. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Only exactly what you want to hear – in absolute pristine audio brilliance. Check out the Linx Audio advantages you’ll get with the True Fidelity noise canceling headphones. Award winning sound quality. Maximum speech clarity. Reduced distortion. And these amazing headphones restrict electromagnetic interference. And you’ll perceive increased loudness without having to increase volume! Super features include in-line volume control for easy adjustment to safe listening levels. A lightweight, comfortable fit. Order these now, because we won’t have them in stock for long. Let everyone else hear the ceaseless babble, while you hear only what you want to hear with the True Fidelity noise-canceling headphones with Linx Audio.